Password Generator was created with Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
Github link
- Custom user display prompting the User to choose the character count to be between 8 and 128 characters.
- Custom user display prompting the User to choose between just uppercase letters, lower case letters, or mix of upper and lowercase letters.
- Ability for user to generate unlimited password options upon additional click of “Generate Password” button.
User Story
- As a user, I can choose for my generated password to be between 8 and 128 characters.
- As a user I can decide if I want my password to contain just uppercase, just lowercase, or mixed case letters.
- As a user I can view the generated password based on inputs chosen.
Demo Details : This demonstration shows passwords randomly generated based on user preferences.
My contributions to the project : This project was created with one other fellow student at LEARN Academy in San Diego, CA. I worked collaboratively with my teammate to design the logic necessary to generate a random password based on a variety of user inputs.
Future Features: 1) Ability to include special characters, 2) Ability to add numbers 3) Create a log to display the history of the passwords generated by User