
Workflow Tracker

Tiqqit.net was my capstone project created in Ruby on Rails with a React Frontend, SQL database, Devise login authorization, GIPHY API Intergration, and AWS S3 Bucket image upload capabilities.


  1. Work flow and coding bug ticket manager.
  2. Login/Logout/New account creation.
  3. View a list of existing tickets.
  4. View a list of tickets you have created yourself.
  5. Create a new ticket and add it to the index of existing tickets.
  6. Edit an existing ticket to change certain details.
  7. Upload a photo utilzing Amazon S3.
  8. Custom 404 Error page utilizing GIPHY API.
  9. Devise Authentication for Rails

Developer & User Story

  1. As a developer I can visit a github organization and see a readme.
  2. As a developer, the tickets model has validations.
  3. As a developer I can see a tickets seed scaffolding.
  4. As a developer, when I am creating a new ticket there should be validations on the ticket.
  5. As a developer, I can view two databases, Users & Tickets.
  6. As a user I can visit Tiqqit.net and see a deployed application hosted by Heroku.
  7. As a user, I can create a ticket.
  8. As a user, I can read a ticket.
  9. As a user, I can update a ticket.
  10. As a user, I can delete a ticket.
  11. As a user, tickets can be viewed individually.
  12. As a user, I can change the priority of an existing ticket to either open, in progress, or closed.
  13. As a user, I can create new categories.
  14. As a user, I can click a button and add a new bug.
  15. As a user, I can upload an image to a ticket to provide more information to the ticket.
  16. As a user, I can see a gif rendered by a call to the GIPHY API upon viewing a 404 error page.
  17. As a user I can add a title, a description, a priority, an assignment, a due date and a optional image to the bug report

Demo Details : This demonstration shows the creation of a ticket.

Demo Details : This demonstration shows the feature to upload a photo to tiqqit.net utilizing Amazon S3 hosting.

Demo Details : This demonstration shows the the custom 404 Error Page rendering a randomly generated "error" themed GIF pinging the GIPHY API.

Demo Details : This demonstration shows the Trello board we used to practice agile development amongst 4 team members.

Demo Details : This demonstration showcase our wireframes and database notes utilzing Figma.com.

My contributions to the project : This project was created with three other fellow student at LEARN Academy in San Diego, CA as part of our capstone project. This project was completed over a 2-week spring. We implemented 100% coverage of backend testing with RSpec. The website is currently hosted on Heroku. While I contributed to both the front and backend of the website my focus was on the front end utilzing and customizing React Bootstrap components. In addition I managed the process of purchasing the domain, setting up the url redirect to Heroku, liasing with the graphic designer, setting up Amazon S3 image upload bucket, leading wireframe creation on Figma.com, and rotating as lead product manager. I most enjoyed working collaboratively with my classmates to create a functional final product.

Github link

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